IP Protection Policy

We understand the importance of IP and secrecy of our customers' confidential information. We see this as the critical element for maintaining a long-term relationship with our customers which are indeed our partners. We are committed to protecting customer IP throughout the product cycle and even after the product life cycle.

Key areas of our IP protection policy include:

Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)

  • At the time of joining, all employees are required to sign a proprietary information and inventions agreement. Individual NDAs are also signed with every employee on joining
  • Employees cannot disclose any proprietary information directly or indirectly to anyone outside the company, or use, copy, publish, summarize or remove such information from the company premises
  • Employees cannot use any unfair competitive practices upon termination of employment or engage in any business during employment
  • Any confidential information received from third parties and clients are held in strictest confidence and employees are not allowed to disclose or use it, except as necessary to perform his/her obligations as is consistent with third parties
  • Any "invention ideas" and relevant records has to be disclosed to the company and all information and records pertaining to any idea, process, trademark, service mark, invention, technology, computer program, original work of authorship, design, formula, discovery, patent, or copyright conceived or developed has to be promptly disclosed to the company
More on Offshoring:

Setting up an Offshore development center, Captive Centers is becoming imperative, the task of creating a software product development, maintenance and support center can be daunting. Acquiring the right hardware and software, finding qualified resources, securing facilities and creating the infrastructure to support advanced network and applications development needs can quickly drain precious time, capital and resources. Contact Ampere and learn how we can help you!

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Offshore Attraction: Companies will become more attractive to investors. Most VCs readily embrace the offshore model. Expect it to be a prerequisite to software company funding. Compete effectively with much larger players. Offshore workers are simply a natural extension of capitalism at work. Offshore IT Outsourcing India

Quick Updates
  • Developed an Contract Monitoring Tool
  • Research project – audio and video observation
  • Developed ERP for a client located in USA
  • Flex based financial software, USA
  • Airline reservation system, France